After thinking of all the possible blog topics to begin the journey into understanding a piece of the Boom Boom Dolls, I couldn’t think of a better topic than my obsession with Kylie Minogue. Yes, I understand that there are truly obsessed Kylie fans out there (like Andrea and many others on Say Hey) but I must say that I am an obsessed Kylie fan. Like, I love her so much if I saw her in the street, I would like cut a lock of her hair and braid into mine, never washing my hair again! If I had children, I would feed/sacrifice them for Kylie if she was ever hungry or bored. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I could ever imagine my life if Kylie never came into my world. In fact, when Kylie Fever spread around the world like a zombie infection, I must admit that I tried hard to stay away from the infected. Being a stubborn individualistic bitch, I kept my younger pigheaded self from being struck by Kylie Fever. But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get Kylie out of my head. I had picked up the Fever CD on my vacation to New York City just before the attacks of 9/11 and put the record for a spin on my CD player on the way home. I was hooked and the story still continues to this day. During the past few months, Kylie had announced that she was bringing a live show to North America for the first time in her twenty years of being a mega star and you bet your ass I will be attending this show. A dream-come true for a Kylie lover, to see our pint size princess in action! So I leave you now with one of my favorite Kylie remixes of all time for all you fellow fabulousness to enjoy!! Ummmmmmooooiiiiii!
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