Welcome to the Boom Boom Blog, man!!!!!
It's me Jenna Mystique

and we here at the dollhouse are so happy to have you... especially Scarlet, she'll have ALL of you shortly. We're also really amped to tell you all about our upcoming projects and let me tell you, it's not because of the Aderall! There are a few things we've been working on but we're most excited about...
Yes boys, girls and all those inbetweens. You heard right, we've spent the last couple of weeks preparing, planning, drinking, starving, writing, riding and brainstorming just to bring you the best show we possibly can. We're almost done and we'll be bringing you the details as soon as they're ready so sit back, roll a joint and prepare yourself for as much Boom Boom action as you can possibly handle.
Secondly, THIS BLOG!!!!
Yes, this is our first official blog post and there'll be many more to come, all four of us will be posting on and off throughout the coming weeks. Now, we realize that not all of you have been lucky enough to get to know the BBD "in depth" (insert Scarlet comment here) so we're bringing you exclusive videos, pics, classic performances and behind the scenes footage from our animantium/chola/bullet/psychic/jigsaw/STD/republican-proof vault.
Thirdly! Our official BOOM BOOM DOLLS AIDS WALK TEAM!!!!!
It's almost that time of year again when our probation officer forcefully volunteers us to walk in the LOS ANGELES AIDS WALK. It's a very good cause and there are tons of people there to meet, drink and smoke with. It's so much fun, last year we walked the entire trek in heels!!! HIGH HEELS!!! VERY, VERY HIGH HEELS.... I'll never forget that day, the blisters are still on my feet. The walk is October 18th and we'll have links to our page, where you can sign up or donate, up and running in two weeks. We're trying to raise over $10,000 for this most worthy cause that greatly effects all of our communities. Recently the Governator of California used his line-item veto power to cut an extra $52 million from California's state AIDS budget even though $30 million had already been cut to "help" with the deficit. That's a total of $82 MILLION and this includes the COMPLETE ELIMINATION of state funding for HIV prevention and testing. California has the 2nd highest rate for HIV infection in the nation and 73% of those are gay or bisexual men. We all need to try our best to make AIDS history.
And now we leave you with a classic performance to enjoy
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